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Pathescope 9.5 Colour films

All Pathéscope 9.5mm film releases were black and white except a test run in 1957 of just four 100foot / 30 metre Disney cartoons printed on Gevaert colour filmstock - "Window Cleaners"; "Donald's Beehaviour"; "Donald's Camera" and "Woodpecker Wickedness" (Ref Graham Newman from

So we were very pleased to acquire a 300ft reel with 2 of these rare Pathe trial cartoons - Donalds Beehaviour and Woodpecker Wickedness. I attach a few screenshots taken using a scanner to show the colour - although as with other film stocks there has been some reddishness appear over time

There had been some attempts at colour 9.5's before starting with 'Tinted' films, such as Arabian Nights, where frames were tinted in a single colour, but the Pathescope trial releases had multiple colours in a single frame.

More screenshots and details on our ebay listing in our Ebay Store :

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